✗ Ballot X

✗- Ballot X, closed shop
One day bald Emoji found a map during his work in the garage in the city centre of Heart Emoji. There he found ✗ sign.
He wanted to find that place. At 🕕 Six O’clock in the evening Heart Emoji visited bald Emoji in the garage. Both Emojis talked to each other.
🦲 Bald Emoji told about the ✗ Ballot X in the map. At that time they decided to search for that place with ✗. When Emojis found that place, they disappeared from their time zone. Emojis stood in the midst of the demonstration. In their 👐 Hands was a big poster with ✗ Ballot X. Other participants demonstrated against the direct taxes in the city of Poop Emoji. They became invisible, only their poster could other Emojis see.
In communication use Emojis this symbol for closed shop.


Ballot X

Copy and paste Ballot X

Unicode:  ✗


Ballot Box


Ballot Box With Check


Ballot Box With X




White Heavy Check Mark


Check Mark


Heavy Check Mark


Multiplication X


Heavy Multiplication X


Heavy Ballot X


Cross Mark


Cross Mark Button

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