🙋 Greeting

🙋- Greeting, welcoming person
This symbol reminds Emojis of the times of the rule first dictators after the election.
The ruler welcomed every possible time on television Emojis. The reason was that the first dictator want to present himself as very important. Therefore they associate this symbol with the first elected dictator. In communication Emojis use this symbol to start the conversation.



Copy and paste Greeting


Unicode:  🙋


For comparison how different 🙋 Greeting looks on:

Apple iOS, Google Android, Facebook, Microsoft Windows, Twitter, JoyPixels, Samsung, Google GMail, KDDI


Greeting on Apple iOS


Greeting on Google Android


Greeting on Facebook


Greeting on Microsoft Windows


Greeting on Twitter Twemoji


Greeting on JoyPixels


Greeting on Samsung

Google GMail


Greeting on Google GMail



Greeting KDDI


Gender-neutral, male and female version of this Emoji

🙋 Person Raising Hand


🙋‍♂️ Man Raising Hand


🙋‍♀️ Woman Raising Hand


Other Humans

🙌 Goodbye


🙆 Person showing Okay sign


🙅 Educator


🙎 Fearful

More Human Emojis

👫 Human

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