✎ Lower Right Pencil

✎- Lower Right Pencil
One day noticed an Emoji who was near the train station that a masked Emoji wrote something and he held ✎ Lower Right Pencil. The observer tried to find out what that Emoji wrote. Later he noticed that there were at least 100 Emojis and Aliens who held ✎ Lower Right Pencil and all of them wrote something.
He wanted to ask them why they held their pencil ✎. On the other hand he saw an other masked Emoji with 🎥 Movie Camera. Of curiosity tried the former observer to remove the mask of the masked Emoji who filmed the others. At that time threw all Emojis their ✎ Lower Right Pencil to the ground. The camera operator removed his mask and said: "Done!"
The former observer asked him what he did with ✎ Lower Right Pencil. The movie maker said that this was the part of an Emoji movie. The observer wanted to know the name of the movie, but the camera operator rejected to answer.
In communication use Emojis this symbol for lower right pencil.


Lower Right Pencil

Copy and paste Lower Right Pencil

Unicode:  ✎


📏 Straight Ruler


📐 Triangular Ruler


📠 Fax Machine


Public Administration




Writing Hand




Upper Right Pencil


White Nib


Black Nib

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