❩ Medium Right Parenthesis Ornament

❩- Medium Right Parenthesis Ornament
Emojis use the ❩ Medium Right Parenthesis Ornament at the end of a sentence or in the mathematics.
One day an Earthling forgot to place the ❩ Right Parenthesis in his sentence after a 😁 Laughing Emoji in his 📱 Mobile Phone.
That was an unpleasant mistake for the Emoji. 😁 fell from the device. An Alien in Pluto had to rescue him. The programmer pushed the button with the ❩ Right Parenthesis. After 24 minutes the 😁 Laughing Emoji landed in the office of the first elected dictator. The ruler asked: "Where are you from" The Emoji said that he lived in a smartphone on planet Earth. The first elected dictator wanted to naturalize him without bureaucracy. After 48 minutes the professor Setag Lib found out that an Emoji fell from a 📱 Mobile Phone. He saw that a ❩ Right Parenthesis was placed at the wrong place. He corrected the mistake. After 12 minutes the Emoji landed in the sentence of the Earthling who could send his message without mistakes.
In communication use Emojis this symbol for medium right parenthesis.


Medium Right Parenthesis Ornament

Copy and paste Medium Right Parenthesis Ornament

Unicode:  ❩


Heavy Double Turned Comma Quotation Mark Ornament


Heavy Double Comma Quotation Mark Ornament


Heavy Low Single Comma Quotation Mark Ornament


Heavy Low Double Comma Quotation Mark Ornament


Curved Stem Paragraph Sign Ornament


Heavy Exclamation Mark Ornament


Medium Left Parenthesis Ornament


Medium Flattened Left Parenthesis Ornament


Medium Flattened Right Parenthesis Ornament

More Grammar and Mathematical Emojis

Grammar and Mathematical

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