✫ Open Center Black Star

✫- Open Center Black Star, circle in the middle, Psychology: Strong ego
The circle in the ✫ Open Center Black Star means in the psychology of Emoji and other countries of the former Circus Union that a person has a strong ego. Psychologists described the most politicians and rulers as strong egoists with the ✫ Open Center Black Star because they follow only their interests. Some psychologists did one day a test for famous Emojis live on the TV. The most points got they with the ✫ Open Center Black Star symbol. That result shocked spectators. They finally realised who are famous Stars, Emojis and Aliens.
In communication use Emojis this symbol if they talk about the strong ego of someone.


Open Center Black Star

Copy and paste Open Center Black Star

Unicode:  ✫




Stress Outlined White Star


Circled White Star


Black Center White Star


Outlined Black Star


Heavy Outlined Black Star


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