🧍 Person Standing
🧍- Person Standing, Horror Clown: best position of the soldiers to honor the rulerAfter the first Horror Clown took power of Circus Union he ✍ wrote several new laws. One of them was that 🧍 Standing Person was a duty for every soldier if they 👀 the ruler of Circus Union. On a Sunday the Horror Clown decided to visit the ⛿ Military Base in Emoji Town.
He appeared there completely unexpectedly. Several Emojis, Emoticons and Smiles reacted 🧍 Standing to the ruler. Only one high-ranking general remained seated. After that event the Horror Clown took his 🔍 Left-Pointing Magnifying Glass and started to study the lazy general. After 67 seconds the ruler of Circus Union took the 🎖 Military Medal from high-ranking general and commanded to a soldier to call the Circus 👮 Police. After 777 seconds the local military police came. The Horror Clown commanded to arrest the general. The ruler of Circus Union left the military city. The arrested Emoji tried to bribe the workers of the prison with 💰 Money Bag. They refused. The arrested Emoji asked for 💎 Gemstone. An Emoticon who worked there sold the general two 💎 Gemstones. The lazy general and arrested Emoji became 🧍 Standing Person because he wanted to honor the Emoticon.
The arrested Emoji started to rub two stones and got 🔥 Fire. The Emoji caused fire in prison. He screamed loudly: 🔥 Fire, 🔥 Fire❗
All inmates were evacuated. At that time the ruling Horror Clown was in Cute Emoji. There he learned about the 🔥 Fire. He commanded to other Emojis to change their position to 🧍 Person Standing. The ruler of Circus Union commanded to a pilot to fly with him to Emoji Town with 🚁 Helicopter.
This time the Horror Clown took his 🔬 Microscope. During the flight, the 👻 Ghost of 🦲 Bald Emoji appeared and threatened him for the poisoning. The 🤳 Selfie addicted ruler was 🧍 Standing. In the meantime, the 🚁 Helicopter landed in the military city. The Horror Clown visited the place of former prison.
He started a search in his 🧠 Brain. He found the recent event with the lazy general with over 1000 results. The first Horror Clown commanded to arrest the former general in an underground bunker for his enemies. At that time an Emoji with 😲 Astonished Face told that the negotiations would probably fail.
The Horror Clown commanded the following plan if the enemy could start a war: Every military prisoner should participate in the war.
The former lazy general reacted with the 🧍 Standing gesture to that and hoped for the war. During the war with Egoists the lazy general was able to change the position of the enemy from 🧍 Person Standing to detained prisoners.
In communication use Emojis this symbol for standing person.
🧍 Person Standing is one of new Emojis in 2019. It has 18 versions. Male, female and gender neutral person.
Copy and paste Person Standing
Unicode: 🧍
Meaning of 🧍- Contents
Arabic - العربية
الرموز التعبيرية المعنى: العربية
🧍 شخص واقف
Bangla - বাংলা
🧍 এক জন দাঁড়িয়ে আছে
Chinese - 中文
🧍 站立者
Dutch - Nederlands
🧍 staande persoon
Filipino - Tagalog
🧍 nakatayong tao
French - Français
🧍 personne debout
German - Deutsch
🧍 stehende Person
Hebrew - עברית
🧍 אדם עומד
Hindi - हिन्दी
🧍 खड़ा हुआ व्यक्ति
Indonesian - Bahasa Indonesia
🧍 orang berdiri
Italian - Italiano
🧍 persona in piedi
Japanese - 日本語
🧍 立つ人
Korean - 한국어
🧍 서 있는 사람
Malay - Bahasa Melayu
🧍 orang berdiri
Nigerian Pidgin - Naijíriá Píjín
🧍 Pẹ́sín Wé De Stánd Ọp
Persian - فارسی
🧍 آدم ایستاده
Polish - Polski
🧍 stojąca osoba
Portuguese - Português
Significado do Emoji: Português
🧍 pessoa em pé
Punjabi - ਪੰਜਾਬੀ
🧍 ਖੜ੍ਹਾ ਵਿਅਕਤੀ
Russian - Русский
🧍 человек стоит
Spanish - Español
Emoji Significado: Español🧍 persona de pie
Swedish - Svenska
🧍 stående person
Thai - ไทย
🧍 คนกำลังยืน
Turkish - Türkçe
🧍 ayakta duran kişi
Ukrainian - Українська
🧍 людина, що стоїть
Urdu - اردو
🧍 کھڑا ہوا شخص
Vietnamese - Tiếng Việt
Ý nghĩa biểu tượng cảm xúc: Tiếng Việt
🧍 người đứng
For comparison how different 🧍 Person Standing looks on:
Apple iOS, Google Android, Facebook, Microsoft Windows, Twitter, JoyPixels, Samsung
🧍 Person Standing
🧍🏻 Person Standing: Light Skin
🧍🏼 Person Standing: Medium-Light Skin
🧍🏽 Person Standing: Medium Skin
🧍🏾 Person Standing: Medium-Dark Skin Tone
🧍🏿 Person Standing: Dark Skin
🧍♂️ Man
🧍🏻♂️ Man Standing: Light Skin
🧍🏼♂️ Man Standing: Medium-Light Skin
🧍🏽♂️ Man Standing: Medium Skin
🧍🏾♂️ Man Standing: Medium-Dark Skin
🧍🏿♂️ Man Standing: Dark Skin
🧍♀️ Woman
🧍🏻♀️ Woman Standing: Light Skin
🧍🏼♀️ Woman Standing: Medium-Light Skin
🧍🏽♀️ Woman Standing: Medium Skin
🧍🏾♀️ Woman Standing: Medium-Dark Skin
🧍🏿♀️ Woman Standing: Dark Skin
🧍 Person Standing on Twitter:
🧍🏻 Person Standing: Light Skin
🧍🏼 Person Standing: Medium-Light Skin
🧍🏽 Person Standing: Medium Skin
🧍🏾 Person Standing: Medium-Dark Skin Tone
🧍🏿 Person Standing: Dark Skin
🧍♂️ Man
🧍🏻♂️ Man Standing: Light Skin
🧍🏼♂️ Man Standing: Medium-Light Skin
🧍🏽♂️ Man Standing: Medium Skin
🧍🏾♂️ Man Standing: Medium-Dark Skin
🧍🏿♂️ Man Standing: Dark Skin
🧍♀️ Woman
🧍🏻♀️ Woman Standing: Light Skin
🧍🏼♀️ Woman Standing: Medium-Light Skin
🧍🏽♀️ Woman Standing: Medium Skin
🧍🏾♀️ Woman Standing: Medium-Dark Skin
🧍🏿♀️ Woman Standing: Dark Skin
🧍🏻 Person Standing: Light Skin Tone
🧍🏼 Person Standing: Medium-Light Skin Tone
🧍🏽 Person Standing: Medium Skin Tone
🧍🏾 Person Standing: Medium-Dark Skin Tone
🧍🏿 Person Standing: Dark Skin Tone
More Modifiers Emojis
Male and female version of this Emoji
Other Humans
👨🦼 Man In Motorized Wheelchair
👩🦼 Woman In Motorized Wheelchair
👩🦽 Woman In Manual Wheelchair
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