🤏 Pinching Hand
🤏- Pinching Hand, humiliate someone, say to someone that the person is small and or worthlessOver 44,000 days ago several misers from ♃ Jupiter and 👽 Aliens from ♄ Saturn used the 🤏 Pinching Hand to humiliate hard working Emojis who were their slaves or worked in precarious conditions for them. Emojis suffered from 🤏 Pinching Hand of their employers lived in the following cities or towns: Emoji Meanings, Emoji App, Emoji Keyboard, Emoji Symbols and much more. On a Tuesday a 😫 Tired Emoji wanted to go 🏠 after 12 hours of work. His stingy employer showed him 🤏 Pinching Hand
because he wanted to say that the Emoji did not done enough. The miser used 💂 Guardsman to avoid that the Emoji ended his working day.
At night the Emoji took a 🧹 Broom and used it to point the dust at 💂 him. At this second, he responded with 🤏🏻 Pinching Hand: Light Skin Tone.
The Emoji noticed that he had to do something else. The Emoji found a ⛏ Pick and hit the wall. Several 🧱 Bricks fell on ⛑ Rescue Worker’s Helmet of the 💂 Guardsman. The Emoji left 📝 Memo that led to a demonstration against violent employers. Later Emoji fled from Crying Laughing Emoji because he wanted to join the 🤡 Clowns under Scary Clown and Bronze Stone Clown in the medical city of Heart Emoji. After that Emoji came to that city an 👽 Alien asked him if he wanted to work for him. The logo of his company had a big 🤏🏼 Pinching Hand: Medium-Light Skin Tone.
The Emoji reacted 😱 Scared. After 544 seconds he found Bronze Stone Clown and Scary Clown. They needed help to occupy the central 🏦 Bank.
The Emoji wanted to help them. After many days that Emoji and other residents showed the high-ranking workers of the central 🏦 Bank the 🤏 Pinching Hand with different colors from 🤏🏽 Medium Skin Tone, 🤏🏾 Medium-Dark Skin Tone, 🤏🏿 Dark Skin Tone, 🤏🏻 Light Skin Tone to
🤏🏼 Medium-Light Skin Tone. Later after arrest of last king of Emoji the former supreme chief of militant resistance fighters first Horror Clown showed his 🤏 Pinching Hand to the former royal family when he visited them in a prison. The Horror Clown used the moment to make a 🤳 Selfie with the arrested royal family. At that time many Emojis and other residents celebrated the new power of Scary Clown, Bronze Stone Clown and Horror Clown with posters that showed the 🤏 Pinching Hand to the direction of the former arrogant rulers.
In communication use Emojis this symbol to humiliate someone with pinching hand.
🤏 Pinching Hand is one of new Emojis in 2019. It has 5 versions of skin tones.

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Unicode: 🤏
Meaning of 🤏- Contents
Arabic - العربية
الرموز التعبيرية المعنى: العربية
🤏 يد تشير بمقدار ضئيل
Bangla - বাংলা
🤏 চিমটি কাটা হাত
Chinese - 中文
🤏 捏合的手势
Dutch - Nederlands
🤏 hand met samengeknepen vingers
Filipino - Tagalog
🤏 kamay na kumukurot
French - Français
🤏 pouce et index rapprochés
German - Deutsch
🤏 Wenig-Geste
Hebrew - עברית
🤏 יד צובטת
Hindi - हिन्दी
🤏 थोड़ा सा
Indonesian - Bahasa Indonesia
🤏 tangan menjepit
Italian - Italiano
🤏 mano che fa il gesto del pizzico
Japanese - 日本語
🤏 つまんでいる指
Korean - 한국어
🤏 꼬집는 손
Malay - Bahasa Melayu
🤏 tangan mencubit
Nigerian Pidgin - Naijíriá Píjín
🤏 Hand Wé De Pinch
Persian - فارسی
🤏 دست در حال نیشگون گرفتن
Polish - Polski
🤏 dłoń z gestem „trochę”
Portuguese - Português
Significado do Emoji: Português
🤏 mão beliscando
Punjabi - ਪੰਜਾਬੀ
🤏 ਚੂੰਢੀ ਜਿੰਨਾ
Russian - Русский
🤏 жест «мало»
Spanish - Español
Emoji Significado: Español🤏 mano pellizcando
Swedish - Svenska
🤏 nypande hand
Thai - ไทย
🤏 ทำมือบีบนิ้วเข้าหากัน
Turkish - Türkçe
🤏 kıstırma hareketi yapan el
Ukrainian - Українська
🤏 жест «мало»
Urdu - اردو
🤏 چٹکی لیتا ہوا ہاتھ
Vietnamese - Tiếng Việt
Ý nghĩa biểu tượng cảm xúc: Tiếng Việt
🤏 tay chụm
For comparison how different 🤏 Pinching Hand looks on:
Apple iOS, Google Android, Facebook, Microsoft Windows, Twitter, JoyPixels, Samsung

🤏🏻 Pinching Hand: Light Skin Tone
🤏🏼 Pinching Hand: Medium-Light Skin Tone
🤏🏽 Pinching Hand: Medium Skin Tone
🤏🏾 Pinching Hand: Medium-Dark Skin Tone
🤏🏿 Pinching Hand: Dark Skin Tone
🤏 Pinching Hand on Twitter
🤏🏻 Pinching Hand: Light Skin Tone on Twitter
🤏🏼 Pinching Hand: Medium-Light Skin Tone on Twitter
🤏🏽 Pinching Hand: Medium Skin Tone on Twitter
🤏🏾 Pinching Hand: Medium-Dark Skin Tone on Twitter
🤏🏿 Pinching Hand: Dark Skin Tone on Twitter
Copy and paste
Pinching Hand
Light Skin Tone
Medium-Light Skin Tone
Medium Skin Tone
Medium-Dark Skin Tone
Dark Skin Tone
🤏🏻 Pinching Hand: Light Skin Tone
🤏🏼 Pinching Hand: Medium-Light Skin Tone
🤏🏽 Pinching Hand: Medium Skin Tone
🤏🏾 Pinching Hand: Medium-Dark Skin Tone
🤏🏿 Pinching Hand: Dark Skin Tone
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