♡ White Heart Suit

♡- White Heart Suit, Heart Emoji: logo of hospitals
Historians suspect that the most famous Heart in the history used the ♡ White Heart Suit in his medicine. Every hospital in Heart Emoji has the ♡ White Heart Suit symbol before the entrance.
After the end of income tax in Emoji celebrated the city of Heart Emoji this event on 17th of July with several 🎈 Balloons which had the ♡ White Heart Suit symbol and congratulations thereon.
The former uppermost tax collector got an ✉ Envelope from that city with ♡ White Heart Suit. The former most hated Emoji received wishes for a good future as a retired Emoji.
In communication use Emojis this symbol for white heart suit.


White Heart Suit

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Unicode:  ♡


Spade Suit


Club Suit


Heart Suit


Diamond Suit


White Spade Suit


White Diamond Suit


White Club Suit

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