👇🏽 Backhand Index Pointing Down: Medium Skin Tone

👇🏽- Backhand Index Pointing Down, Army: defeat
A prisoner in Crying Laughing Emoji had to clean his and several rooms with a 🧹 Broom. Because of his awkwardness, the floor was severely damaged.
That Emoji found a 🧰 Toolbox with Medium Skin Tone 👇🏽 Backhand Index Pointing Down symbol thereon. He opened it. There Emoji found an ✉ Envelope.
At that second several employees of the prison came to check if the Emoji did his job. The prisoner could quickly hide his finds under his 🛏 Bed.
After 45 minutes those Emojis left the room. The prisoner decided to read the letter. The author was a soldier who used the 👇🏽 Backhand Index Pointing Down with Medium Skin Tone to ℹ Inform his officer about defeat. The Emoji found there many other symbols that used army during the war with Egoists.
The meaning of the next symbol that the Emoji found, was of 👇🏾 Backhand Index Pointing Down: Medium-Dark Skin Tone.
In communication use Emojis this symbol in connection with historical defeat of the army during the war.


Backhand Index Pointing Down: Medium Skin Tone

Copy and paste Backhand Index Pointing Down: Medium Skin Tone


Unicode:  👇🏽


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Backhand Index Pointing Down: Medium Skin Tone on Apple iOS


Backhand Index Pointing Down: Medium Skin Tone on Google Android


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Backhand Index Pointing Down: Medium Skin Tone on Microsoft Windows


Backhand Index Pointing Down: Medium Skin Tone on Twitter Twemoji


Backhand Index Pointing Down: Medium Skin Tone on JoyPixels


Backhand Index Pointing Down: Medium Skin Tone on Samsung



👇 Index Finger Down


👇🏻 Backhand Index Pointing Down: Light Skin Tone


👇🏼 Backhand Index Pointing Down: Medium-Light Skin Tone


👇🏾 Backhand Index Pointing Down: Medium-Dark Skin Tone


👇🏿 Backhand Index Pointing Down: Dark Skin Tone

Other Body Parts

👆 Index Finger Up


👈 Index Finger Left


👉 Index Finger Right


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