👈🏼 Backhand Index Pointing Left: Medium-Light Skin Tone

👈🏼- Backhand Index Pointing Left, Secret Service: delete stolen ℹ Information
After the first dictator of Emoji was elected, a ruler of an eastern state wanted to visit the high-ranking Emoji in the capital city of Emoji SMS.
That ruler used a special 🚄 High-Speed Train with 👈🏼 Backhand Index Pointing Left: Medium-Light Skin Tone logo thereon.
His workers had to check every 🚉 Station with 🔱 Trident Emblem and 🔮 Crystal Ball. After 7830 minutes the ruler landed near the border of Emoji.
At that time several Emojis wanted to meet the first ruler who visited their country. That was why there were several residents waving at the 🚉 Stations.
They knew that the Medium-Light Skin Tone 👈🏼 Backhand Index Pointing Left was used in connection with that visit.
While the two dictators met, a Horror Clown stole an old paper. He deleted important ℹ Information. After his return the first dictator noticed that something was stolen. A creative Emoji who worked with Secret Service suggested the 👈🏼 Backhand Index Pointing Left: Medium-Light Skin Tone symbol for the meaning of "to delete stolen ℹ".
In communication use Emojis of Secret Service this symbol for the command to delete stolen information if the enemy stole.


Backhand Index Pointing Left: Medium-Light Skin Tone

Copy and paste Backhand Index Pointing Left: Medium-Light Skin Tone


Unicode:  👈🏼


For comparison how different 👈🏼 Backhand Index Pointing Left: Medium-Light Skin Tone looks on:

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Backhand Index Pointing Left: Medium-Light Skin Tone on Apple iOS


Backhand Index Pointing Left: Medium-Light Skin Tone on Google Android


Backhand Index Pointing Left: Medium-Light Skin Tone on Facebook


Backhand Index Pointing Left: Medium-Light Skin Tone on Microsoft Windows


Backhand Index Pointing Left: Medium-Light Skin Tone on Twitter Twemoji


Backhand Index Pointing Left: Medium-Light Skin Tone on JoyPixels


Backhand Index Pointing Left: Medium-Light Skin Tone on Samsung



👈 Index Finger Left


👈🏻 Backhand Index Pointing Left: Light Skin Tone


👈🏽 Backhand Index Pointing Left: Medium Skin Tone


👈🏾 Backhand Index Pointing Left: Medium-Dark Skin Tone


👈🏿 Backhand Index Pointing Left: Dark Skin Tone

Other Body Parts

👆 Index Finger Up


👇 Index Finger Down


👉 Index Finger Right


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