➤ Black Rightwards Arrowhead

➤- Black Rightwards Arrowhead, Secret Service and army: target
During the war with aliens from Mars used Emojis the function ➤ Black Rightwards Arrowhead in their 🔫 Pistol to shoot their enemies. The ➤ Black Rightwards Arrowhead made possible targeted to shoot on the Egoists. At that times discussed the first Horror Clown with 4 Emojis who were high-ranking officers in the Circus army. Later went those Emojis to their soldiers. They commanded them: ➤ !
That means: to catch targeted. One day wrote an Emoji in his tax return the ➤ symbol instead of the value of his flat. Later he got a visit from two Emojis and an Alien who worked for the local tax authority.
They asked this Emoji what he meant with ➤ Black Rightwards Arrowhead. He said: The value of my flat is ➤. The tax collectors returned to their working place. There they ☎ Telephoned the uppermost tax collector.
He told them that that Emoji should pay a special tax because of ➤ symbol.
In communication use military Emojis this symbol for target.


Black Rightwards Arrowhead

Copy and paste Black Rightwards Arrowhead

Unicode:  ➤


Three-D Top-Lighted Rightwards Arrowhead


Three-D Bottom-Lighted Rightwards Arrowhead


Heavy Black Curved Downwards and Rightwards Arrow


Heavy Black Curved Upwards and Rightwards Arrow


Squat Black Rightwards Arrow


Heavy Concave Pointed Black Rightwards Arrow


Right-Shaded White Rightwards Arrow


Left-Shaded White Rightwards Arrow


Back-Tilted Shadowed White Rightwards Arrow


Front-Tilted Shadowed White Rightwards Arrow

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