➀ Dingbat Circled Sans-Serif Digit One

➀- Dingbat Circled Sans-Serif Digit One, number 1, number one, first
When the candidate with the number 3 found out that he was the ➀ first elected dictator of his country, he reacted 😤. One day sat an Emoji in waiting room of the tax authority. He started to 👂 what told the uppermost tax collector to other Emojis. He said: Tax authority ➀ First! The first Horror Clown repeated the ➀ Dingbat Circled Sans-Serif Digit One every evening before he went to sleep.
In communication use Emojis this symbol for the number one.


Dingbat Circled Sans-Serif Digit One

Copy and paste Dingbat Circled Sans-Serif Digit One

Unicode:  ➀


Dingbat Circled Sans-Serif Digit Two


Dingbat Circled Sans-Serif Digit Three


Dingbat Circled Sans-Serif Digit Four


Dingbat Circled Sans-Serif Digit Five


Dingbat Circled Sans-Serif Digit Six


Dingbat Circled Sans-Serif Digit Seven


Dingbat Circled Sans-Serif Digit Eight


Dingbat Circled Sans-Serif Digit Nine


Dingbat Circled Sans-Serif Digit Ten

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💯 Number

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