➊ Dingbat Negative Circled Sans-Serif Digit One

➊- Dingbat Negative Circled Sans-Serif Digit One, first, number 1, number one, best
The famous ruler of the Circus Union, first Horror Clown had a big poster near his office with ➊ Dingbat Negative Circled Sans-Serif Digit One. Emoji hung the poster with the number ➊ on command of the Horror Clown 48 hours before aliens from Mars started the big war against the big Union. Two Emojis who were big fans of the ruler decided to found a 📰 Newspaper in honor of the first Horror Clown and named it ➊.
In communication use Emojis this symbol for the number one or best.


Dingbat Negative Circled Sans-Serif Digit One

Copy and paste Dingbat Negative Circled Sans-Serif Digit One

Unicode:  ➊


Dingbat Negative Circled Sans-Serif Digit Two


Dingbat Negative Circled Sans-Serif Digit Three


Dingbat Negative Circled Sans-Serif Digit Four


Dingbat Negative Circled Sans-Serif Digit Five


Dingbat Negative Circled Sans-Serif Digit Six


Dingbat Negative Circled Sans-Serif Digit Seven


Dingbat Negative Circled Sans-Serif Digit Eight


Dingbat Negative Circled Sans-Serif Digit Nine


Dingbat Negative Circled Sans-Serif Digit Ten

More Number Emojis

💯 Number

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