✞ Shadowed White Latin Cross

✞- Shadowed White Latin Cross
An Emoji who landed during his adventure in a Christian ⛼ Cemetery saw at least 676 pieces of graves in form of ✞ Shadowed White Latin Cross. He asked himself why Christian Earthlings used the ✞ Shadowed White Latin Cross there. His answer was: The shadow symbolizes the soul of the dead. He said this in a lecture before 100 Emojis. He showed them the ✞ Shadowed White Latin Cross.
Among Emojis is this symbol mostly unknown. Only a few of Emojis who visited the lecture know it.
In communication use Earthlings this symbol for shadowed white Latin Cross.


Shadowed White Latin Cross

Copy and paste Shadowed White Latin Cross

Unicode:  ✞




Outlined Greek Cross


Open Centre Cross


Heavy Open Centre Cross


Latin Cross


Outlined Latin Cross


Maltese Cross


Star of David


🛐 Place of Worship


🕉 Om


🕎 Menorah


🕍 Synagogue


🕌 Mosque


🕋 Kaaba


🛕 Hindu Temple

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