⛦ Star Pentagon

⛦- Star Pentagon,  Synonym of other five-pointed Stars, pentagram, left-handed interlaced pentagram
The local basketball club of Star Emoji was very envious as the local football club got its own official logo with pentangle.
In a crisis meeting chose managing directors the ⛦ Star Pentagon as new and official logo for the local basketball club.
Fans of the basketball club confound every Monday the ⛦ Star Pentagon with the logo of the football club. That's why they got problems with some footballers who never have seen them as fans.
In communication use Emojis this symbol for the basketball club of Star Emoji.


Star Pentagon

Copy and paste Star Pentagon

Unicode:  ⛦


🌟 Glowing Star


🌠 Shooting Star


💫 Vertigo


🔯 Dotted Six-Pointed Star


Star Emoji


Black Star










Five-Pointed Star


Black Four-Pointed Star


White Four-Pointed Star

More Star Emojis

🌟 Stars

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