👎🏻 Thumbs Down: Light Skin Tone

👎🏻- Thumbs Down, Politicians from North: dislike
After the elections of first dictator reacted many of his competitors with Light Skin Tone 👎🏻 Thumbs Down.
During a meeting on the repair and renewal of the water pipes an Emoji told the following story: "In the job, you currently have to expect failures. Stay 😄 Happy  and see them as a way to innovate. If this succeeds, they land on a dreamy planet 😎."
An architect wanted to know the meaning of that story. At the same time, Emojis noticed a big 👎🏻 Thumbs Down with Light Skin Tone on the wall.
A researcher explained that it was the reaction of the wall to the temperature that caused the story. Another employee interpreted this quite differently.
The Emoji understood that this was an urgent call on the part of a city. He could prove this by discovering a 🌟 Glowing Star about 👎🏻.
That's why those Emojis flew with 🚁 Helicopter to Star Emoji.
In communication use politicians from north this symbol for "dislike".


Thumbs Down: Light Skin Tone

Copy and paste Thumbs Down: Light Skin Tone


Unicode:  👎🏻


For comparison how different 👎🏻 Thumbs Down: Light Skin Tone looks on:

Apple iOS, Google Android, Facebook, Microsoft Windows, Twitter, JoyPixels, Samsung


Thumbs Down: Light Skin Tone on Apple iOS


Thumbs Down: Light Skin Tone on Google Android


Thumbs Down: Light Skin Tone on Facebook


Thumbs Down: Light Skin Tone on Microsoft Windows


Thumbs Down: Light Skin Tone on Twitter Twemoji


Thumbs Down: Light Skin Tone on JoyPixels


Thumbs Down: Light Skin Tone on Samsung



👎 Thumbs Down


👎🏼 Thumbs Down: Medium-Light Skin Tone


👎🏽 Thumbs Down: Medium Skin Tone


👎🏾 Thumbs Down: Medium-Dark Skin Tone


👎🏿 Thumbs Down: Dark Skin Tone


👎🏻 Thumbs Down: Light Skin Tone PNG

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