✐ Upper Right Pencil

✐- Upper Right Pencil, attention
If a speaker wants attention of audience, he or she uses the ✐ Upper Right Pencil. Every Emoji in a higher position uses the ✐ Upper Right Pencil during the presentation.
The last Horror Clown felt disturbed when he saw a lot of documents on his table. That's why he placed the ✐ Upper Right Pencil behind his👂 Ears. This tradition helped him against stress. Seven Emojis came with the ✐ Upper Right Pencils after the death of the last ruler of Circus Union to his funeral. Instead of flowers, seven Emojis laid their ✐ Upper Right Pencil on the grave. Even opponents criticized this approach. Later they apologized for the ✐. Some historians told that this behavior was responsible for the end of Circus Union. Other historians were against this opinion.
In communication use Emojis this symbol for upper right pencil.


Upper Right Pencil

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Unicode:  ✐


📏 Straight Ruler


📐 Triangular Ruler


📠 Fax Machine


Public Administration




Writing Hand


Lower Right Pencil




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Black Nib

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