✘ Heavy Ballot X

✘- Heavy Ballot X, Economists: deleted company
After the end of Circus Union experienced some companies bankruptcy. Several Emojis used the ✘ sign because they had to delete those companies from commercial register. 888 days later the former uppermost tax collector commanded to his workers to place a ✘ near the name of deleted companies. At that time several company owners had to prove their bankruptcy. For this purpose, Emojis had to pay 0.30 Bitcoins as bankruptcy tax. Some stingy company owners used the ✘ Heavy Ballot X symbol because they wanted to pay less income taxes. Those misers were very 😊 because they could use ✘ to their favor.
In communication use Emojis this symbol for deleted company.


Heavy Ballot X

Copy and paste Heavy Ballot X

Unicode:  ✘


Ballot Box


Ballot Box With Check


Ballot Box With X




White Heavy Check Mark


Check Mark


Heavy Check Mark


Multiplication X


Heavy Multiplication X


Ballot X


Cross Mark


Cross Mark Button

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