♩ Quarter Note

♩- Quarter Note, crotchet
Songwriters and musicians use the ♩ Quarter Note in their job if the note should be played for the duration of a quarter. In protest against the income tax wrote musical Emojis in their tax return instead of their assets the ♩ Quarter Note. Later had those Emojis to pay penalty payments. A female Emoji found a big wooden ♩ Quarter Note near the entrance to the building of the mightiest tax authority. She told that workers. Later told musical Emojis that they had to pay too high taxes. That's why Emojis placed a big ♩ Quarter Note.
In communication use musical Emojis this symbol for quarter note.


Quarter Note

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Unicode:  ♩


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Eighth Note


Beamed Eighth Notes


Beamed Sixteenth Notes


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